Direct debit

  • Best Answer

    DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Best Answer
    Hey @Disgruntledcustomer,

    Welcome to the community. There could be lots of reasons why your direct debit has increased here are just some of the reasons:

    • An account could be in debit so the DD has incraesed to clear the outstanding balance
    • Customers who have been on a fixed tariff for 12 months or 2yrs may find that prices have increased since they initially fixed due to price cap reviews during their fixed term
    • The account may have been estimated over a long period of time and the estimated annual consumption could be higher due to this

    If you are worried about the increase you can get in touch with our energy specialists to check your account for you. If you are going to struggle to pay then we have some useful threads on the forum with helpful information such as Help with Energy bills and Here to Help threads.

    Deb 🌻
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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    this time last year i was paying circa £850 per annum for my gas and electricity. I'm now paying circa £2,250. If I hadn't fixed my tariffs I'd be looking at £3,500 at likely 22/23 winter prices under the price cap. So while there are a lot of factors at play which affect things (gas has gone up way more than electricity per unit, but electricity standing charges have gone up massively to pay up for the suppliers that went bust last year) the wholesale price of gas is the prime factor in driving the increases and the illogical way electricity generation is priced (it tends to track the cost of gas generated electricity) doesn't help.

    The real question though is whether your DD is fair and reasonable. You can check that for yourself and then argue the odds. The next price cap increase will be announced shortly and its possible unit prices will be around 50p for electricity and 16p for gas , which are eye watering prices, and the increases are even greater than those in October 21 and April 22. You have been warned!
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.