Credit Missing

  • Marguerita's Avatar
    After my mum in law who passed away's house was sold there was an £159 credit balance on her electricity bill - E.on have promised over and over again to sort it out, and in fact that it has been actioned and that the cheque will definitely be with me in 20 days. Should have arrived end December so called them - said it wasn't actioned but the notes were on file, would be done straight away - 20 days later no cheque / tried again, etc., etc., Now they are not answering their phones at all - I held for 35 mins listening to hold music and another 10 mins today before I had to hang up. If anyone has any advice or experience in resolving this would be really glad to hear from you!
  • 3 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    You need to file a formal complaint. You could probably take this matter straight to the ombudsman as more than 8 weeks have elapsed since you last contacted your MIL's supplier.

    However, by raising it as a formal complaint you'll get some satisfaction. I'd also ask for compensation of £100. Its only by making mistakes painful for companies that they will decide to improve.
  • Marguerita's Avatar
    Thanks - I think I will try that / payment is still outstanding 11 months later!
  • Marguerita's Avatar
    Eventually resolved on the 2nd of August. After mentioning the possibility of contacting the Ombudsman twice. E.on did not offer any compensation and said there was no need to contact the Ombudsman as they had already passed details to their complaints dept. Unsurprisingly I have never heard any more from them.