Smart meters

  • SunnyD's Avatar
    Level 5
    On the new tariffs offered me when my Eonnext Next Online V5 tariff comes to an end in June 2022, it states the following, neither are very clear and are misleading, and not very helpful.

    Next 1 Year v11 "Get a free Smart meter". It states nothing more.

    However, on the tariff for the Next Online v14 tariff, it states "By choosing this tariff you agree to have a Smart meter installed where eligible.

    I have looked online to find out if its encouraged to have a Smart meter or if its a condition of choosing one or both of these tariffs above. My findings were:

    Energy suppliers cannot force you to have a Smart meter on a tariff, not just once but again and again, so WHICH IS IT, AND WOULDNT IT HELP PEOPLE AT THE MOMENT TO KNOW EXACTLY WHICH IT IS PLEASE?!?
  • 1 Reply

  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 47
    I'm currently on a fixed online tariff which included the phrase "By choosing this tariff you agree to have a Smart meter installed where eligible.". Eon-next would send me texts saying that it was a condition of my tariff to have one, so book an installation. I ignored them because I didn't want smart meters, then a text came that said I would be moved onto another tariff if I didn't have them fitted.

    My understanding was that you couldn't be forced to have a smart meter, but they can stipulate that it's a requirement on some tariffs. Therefore, if a consumer doesn't want a smart meter then they need to be on an appropriate tariff, where it isn't a requirement.

    So as you've said above, V11 is optional but the V14 tariff makes it a requirement to have a smart meter.