Tariffs - what's the difference?

  • stevec's Avatar
    Level 1
    Afternoon all,
    So my Tariff is due to end soon. I want to continue my fixed deal as much as possible. Checking oon the EonNext site, I only see two fixed tariffs on there. However, they both appear to offer the same thing, just one is more expensive than the other.

    Next Online v14

    Our most popular tariff, perfect for those who manage everything online.

    Daily standing charge 32.14p 27.22p
    Unit rate 39.99p per kWh 10.02p per kWh

    • Fixed prices for 12 months.
    • No exit fees.
    • 100% renewable electricity.
    • Pay by Direct Debit.
    • Get a free smart meter*.

    Next 1 Year v11

    Fix your prices and that positive energy feeling for 12 months.

    Daily standing charge 32.14p 27.22p
    Unit rate 43.93p per kWh 10.97p per kWh

    • Fixed prices for 12 months.
    • No exit fees.
    • 100% renewable electricity.
    • Pay by Direct Debit.
    • Get a free smart meter*.

    To me they look identical, save for paying more for the 1Year option. Both seem to fix the rate for 12 months... so why pay more for the second option.

    What am I missing!!
  • 3 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Andy65's Avatar
    Level 49
    Best Answer
    I think it's just that the V14 is probably online only, hence why it's a bit cheaper.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    I agree with andy65. Both though are considerably higher than current variable rates. Comparing the variable/fix conundrum is difficult and you have to factor in usage of the different fuels across the summer and winter periods, and factor in that at present you'll be paying way above the price capped variable rates but after ! October you'll probably be paying below the increased variable rate.

    And what will the future price increases be?

    It eventually comes down to certainty, that a fix gives you, against the uncertainty of the variable. Attitudes to these sort of issues are rather personal, and nobody can say for certain which option will prove to be advantageous with the benefit of hindsight.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • stevec's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thanks guys. Yes I feel fixed is the way forward this time. The October hike has already been well signposted.