Hi. To answer your questions in sequence, NO the energy companies do not have to charge the maximum under the price cap, but as they are likely losing money at the moment its not at all surprising that they do. There is not one price cap, there are many and they affect fuels, regions, payment method, standing charges and unit prices -all by different amounts. The 54% refers to an average customer's increase - its certainly not a maximum
Re poverty - the energy companies are companies they exist to make a profit. They are not charities either. That's what Government has to address.
The flex account is a standard variable rate tariff (variable =flex!). Since it's almost certain that the price cap will rise in October again a fixed account look at likely price trends over the longer period. Whether the variable or fixed is better for you is a matter of personal choice. The last increases resulted in the electricity standing charge rising 73%, and the electricity unit price up 39%. The standing charge increase was so high because it included the cost of bailing out the suppliers that defaulted last year. The equivalent figures for gas were 4% and 82%. So what does the average increase of 54% mean to you? Precious little as you have no gas! But the more electricity you use the less your increase will be. If you used little electricity the most recent increase in standing charge of 73% would be very painful. But your fix means your prices missed the price cap increase in October 2021. Unit electricity prices are up, under the price cap, by 53% from a year ago. Spare a thought for gas consumers whose unit price is up 121% in the same period.
Renewable energy. Eon Next either produce or obtain credit for renewable energy that they pump into the grid. But the grid supplies all customers with a mix of electricity from all the generating sources. So its not possible to reflect just the EON cost to eon customers.
Greed. The energy companies
supply arms are losing money at present. There is no greed there. But
generators of electricity and suppliers of Gas are probably making excess profits at present. The figures will come out in due course, and BP, Shell, and Aramco have already disclosed their figures. The price rises are driven by worldwide demand for gas which is cleaner than coal for electricity generation. Supply is only growing slowly while demand is increasing rapidly, and political decisions regarding Russia are also increasing prices.
Not having a DD. DD is the cheapest way to pay, followed by prepayment and standard credit being the most expensive. Its up to you if you want to turn your back on DD for a more expensive way to pay - that's your right in a free society, but i can't recommend it to you.
You have been fortunate to have avoided the increases so far through the timing of your energy fix. My fixes went belly up last year when my suppliers both went bust and my deals with them. Nobody likes the situation, but we all have to live with it.