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  • Agentsmithv1's Avatar
    Level 1

    I'm still waiting for feed back about the solar panels I have signed up to
  • 15 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    I'm certain that you will have to resolve this matter via customer services.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar

    I'm still waiting for feed back about the solar panels I have signed up to

    I wouldn't bother getting solar panels. I have solar panels and its a total and utter rip off.

    They will provide super cheap energy for e.on which they can sell on for an extortionate amount of money to the struggling British public.

    E.on will only pay you 3p per kWh of electricity you put into the grid

    The variable tariff that I will be moving on to next month has electricity priced at 53p per kWh

    To put that into context, I got paid £211 for a year's worth of electricity that my solar panels produced. 3p per kWh means that my panels produced 7000kWh

    I use 1800kWh of electricity a year which will cost me over £1000 according to the variable tariff that I will be moving to next month.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    in general yes but the price for your units will "only" be around 34p because of the government intervention.

  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar

    in general yes but the price for your units will "only" be around 34p because of the government intervention.

    So I am just being told. However, the quote on my e.on account still says 52.90p and presumably, this is what they were going to charge me, unless of course, it was just some sort of sick joke!!

    I contacted e.on about this days ago via email, Facebook messenger and WhatsApp but nobody has even bothered to get back to me.

    34p per kWh is a little better but like you said this is only because of government intervention. I am sure US, as tax payers will foot the bill for this later. As long as it doesn't affect e.ons profits, I mean they only made £3 billion during the first 6 months of this year, bless them.

    I still think the feed in tariffs are a total scam. When I had the solar panels fitted all those years ago, I was paying about 15p per kWh of electricity. As we know, that price has gone up dramatically but my feed in tariff has always stayed exactly the same. Surely the very least they should be paying me now is 7p per kWh
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    the new rates apply from 1 October. Check then.
    Eon is a multinational company. Shell and BP similarly- they make profits - that’s what’s companies do if they want to stay around.
    If you feel that you can do better shop around. I shaved £110 from my car Insurance this morning by so doing. I fully support you right to have your say, but I for one don’t agree with you on everything.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar

    the new rates apply from 1 October. Check then.
    Eon is a multinational company. Shell and BP similarly- they make profits - that’s what’s companies do if they want to stay around.
    If you feel that you can do better shop around. I shaved £110 from my car Insurance this morning by so doing. I fully support you right to have your say, but I for one don’t agree with you on everything.

    I shop around for the best deal on my car insurance every year, I don't subscribe to any TV packages and only watch freeview, the only subscription I have is my broadband package which costs £20 a month, i dont have a house phone and only have a very cheap sim only deal, I installed solar panels to reduce my energy bills, i have swapped all light bulbs to LED, I have smart plugs on all devices that use power when in standby mode, TVs, stereos, game consoles etc. All devices are totally off over night and when i am at work. I shop at aldis and am careful to only buy what i need and not be throwing food away each week. Council tax is what it is, road tax is what it is, rent is what it is. I put a lot of time and effort into making sure that I'm not paying over the odds for a product or service and that I'm not wasting energy unnecessarily, I am fairly confident that I cannot decrease my monthly outgoings any further.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar

    However, I do know Octopus Energy are offering their customers 15p per kWh of energy exported on their feed in tariffs and of course I am looking to move to them. The problem is all energy providers are saying to stay with your current energy supplier but hopefully I will get there sometime in the future.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar

    the new rates apply from 1 October. Check then.
    Eon is a multinational company. Shell and BP similarly- they make profits - that’s what’s companies do if they want to stay around.
    If you feel that you can do better shop around. I shaved £110 from my car Insurance this morning by so doing. I fully support you right to have your say, but I for one don’t agree with you on everything.

    Here you go Mr Meldrew, all the relevant information on their feed in tariff is here

    If you have solar panels, it might be worth you taking a look. Who knows, you might save money on your energy bills as well as your car insurance.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    Good for you - you're doing everything you can to keep your outgoings low. My methods are very similar.

    I don't support attacks on companies for making profits, if as in most cases, those profits are reasonable in relation to their turnover and capital investment. I've pointed the finger at companies that are making excess profits because of the way the electricity wholesale market operates - i would have said work but chose not to use that word as it certainly doesn't work in the interests of consumers. Its up to government to regulate these markets and in my view ORGEM has been nothing short of a disaster. I call things as I see them, as do you. Our targets are though a bit different.