Forced to move

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  • Craigpell's Avatar
    Level 1
    Just been told/forced that I'm moving over to eon next. It says nothing will be changed. However I'm on a prepayed smartmeter my heating is through gas only, I get a warm home front grant because I'm disabled which they for some unknown reason always put on my electricity account, but it was easy to then transfere it over to my gas meter. But they are forcing me to move over to eon next were this ability has changed even though they said nothing will change. Why can't I stay on what I'm on. Were everything worked for me better than eon next. And to think they are wording it as if there doing me a favor as if I've been waiting for this change. Well I haven't I don't want to move over I'm being forced.
  • 3 Replies

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    Bennie_R97's Avatar
    Best Answer
    Hi @Craigpell,

    Thank you for reaching out in the community. I can understand that migrating to a different company can be stressful and full of worries, but we got your back. 😀
    We have an amazing team on social media (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter), who can answer all your questions and the community is a great place where you can find answers from other community members through their experiences. Have you already migrated? Or are you in the process of being migrated?
  • Craigpell's Avatar
    Level 1
    Just been told/forced that I'm moving over to eon next. It says nothing will be changed. However I'm on a prepayed smartmeter my heating is through gas only, I get a warm home front grant because I'm disabled which they for some unknown reason always put on my electricity account, but it was easy to then transfere it over to my gas meter. But they are forcing me to move over to eon next were this ability has changed even though they said nothing will change. Why can't I stay on what I'm on. Were everything worked for me better than eon next. And to think they are wording it as if there doing me a favor as if I've been waiting for this change. Well I haven't I don't want to move over I'm being forced. 
    Last edited by PeterT_EONNext; 04-05-22 at 15:23. Reason: Thread moved/combined
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    while the theory is that nothing will change others posting here suggest otherwise. But I don’t know what you can do apart from advising both Eon’s of your situation and the need for a totally smooth transfer. Posting here of your experience day by day will help the community fully understand from the consumers viewpoint the possible frustrations.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.