Decrease monthly payments

  • Lawrenroane's Avatar
    Level 1

    Please can I lower my monthly payments as I do not believe I need to pay nearly 200 a month?

    (Confidential information has been removed for your safety - Anasa Community Co - Ordinator)
  • 1 Reply

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    The DD has to be fair and reasonable. It represents the estimated cost of your energy over the next 12 months divided into regular payments - this helps many people with budgeting.

    However, usage will nearly always turn out to be different from that forecast. In my own case my electricity consumption is fairly stable, but my gas consumption varies considerably from year to year largely due to the weather. When usage varies from the forecast then you will end up owing money or be in credit.

    With prices rising (an average of 54% this April) most people will find their DD going up. You need to do your own calculations , particularly on the forecast of consumption if you wish to challenge the DD amount.

    And at the end of the time period if you DD was set too high you will get that excess back. You still pay just for the energy you've actually used!

    Contact Customer Services to arrange a change in the DD, when you've got facts to back up your position - a gut feeling doesn't cut it.