Our E.ON EnergyPlan PAYG Tarriff moving to 'EON Next' PAYG.

  • abrehart's Avatar
    Level 1

    Our Eon Energy Plan PAYG tarriff is being moved to this new tarriff which we did not agree too.

    According to the email we have been promised our prices will be the same and will not change, is this indeed correct and this is just the same tarriff under a new name (Daily service charge of 30p, 24p per kWh during the day and 12p per kWh economy 7 during the early hours).

    Does this also include Economy 7 from 1:30am in the morning, as we rely on Economy 7 in order to heat our property, washing machine and charge equipment etc.

    We cannot view anything on the EON Next account page yet as the account is still moving over so some information and assurances would be great.
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  • Best Answer

    meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Best Answer

    Eon Next is another part of Eon which uses a better (from their point of view) software system. Many customers find initial difficulties when migrated over, especially with PAYG.

    The economy 7 timings are regional and not supplier specific, so providing you remain on economy 7, nothing should change.

    Currently, prices are constrained by the OFGEM price cap so there is not likely to be any change there either. But you're right to keep a close eye on things.