Smart Gas Meter - Not sending readings

  • mattynet's Avatar
    Level 1
    I've got a gas smart meter that was fitted by Eon when I changed over to them but it isn't sending readings back and hasn't since it was installed<br><br>I've phoned a number of times in the past and just been fobbed off and told to submit readings manually and that theres a national problem with Eon being able to read the meter remotely and it would be resolved shortly. I've explained that I can't submit readings manually as the display on the meter isn't working either, when I push the buttons to try and display the reading nothing shows, but was told this was due to the national problems and would resolve itself in due course, i didn't believe this and knew i was being fobbed of but what else could I do but take their word for it. I've been told the same a number of times.<br><br>Eventually someone knocked on my door to manually read both my gas and electricity meters, (I can't remember whether he was from Eon or some 3rd party company) but again he wasn't able to read the gas meter and told me the battery was dead and it needed to be replaced and to contact Eon, eventually they agreed to send someone to come and do this and booked the appointment.<br><br>I waited in but it was a no show and when I contacted Eon back they told me they had to cancel the appointment due to staff shortages and they'd tried to contact me but not been able to get in touch, (they hadn't, I never have my mobile turned off) but it was the hight of covid and I was understanding and asked for the appointment to be booked back in, they told me someone would call to arrange this within 5 days. Low and behold no one did but I forgot about it for a while, when I remembered again I contacted Eon yet again and was told they wouldn't send anyone out till the transfer to Eon Next was completed.<br><br>So here I am, trying to find out how I arrange for someone to come and replace the battery so that I can get an accurate bill. It's been over a year and half now and I'm concerned when they do finally fix it I'm going to be hit with a massive bill and how will they work out when the gas was used, obviously gas is a lot more expensive now than it was a year ago so I don't want to be paying todays prices for gas that was used over a year ago.<br>
  • 1 Reply

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Some would say you are in a very advantageous position.

    Your supplier cannot bill you more than 12 months back see this:

    Check the energy back-billing rules | Ofgem

    so if your nerves can stand it, sit tight and do nothing.