Suddenly in debt and asked for extra readings

  • Freeminder's Avatar
    Level 1
    I switched to the V10 1 year fixed tarriff before it disappeared, only several days ago. I was on a fixed tariff (that e.on made clear would not be repeated, then briefly on the variable rate that ws obviously going to double in cost). Since then I have had two 'energy statements' stating that I am suddenly in debt.
    I submitted a meter reading as I have done each month,on the same date, only to receive another email today saying no reading has been submitted. I have given another readiing today, and the debt has grown larger! I was over £60 in credit, which has also completlely disappeared! From over £60 in credit to over £40 in debt in a week.
    I have never been in debit on an utility bill and this is seriously worrying me. How is e.on calculating this, and why use estimates when I have submitted readings that have been acknowledged on the My Account pages? What the hell is going on, e.on? My trust in this outfit is seriously shaken.
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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    I'd try not to worry as its probably a glitch in the transfer to the new tariff. But balances can be wiped out if a large bill hits the account and all our bills will be large now.

    The increase in prices from your previous fixed rate to the new will be very large indeed. My own bills will be almost 3 times the old fixed rates from last year, and almost all customers will be facing similar increases. Therefore you need to plan for higher charges and therefore higher DD.