New Gas Smart Meter huge usage issue

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  • Decu's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi, I’ve been using around £41.00 per month on gas for the last 3-4 months(I live in a small one bed bungalow).
    Today I had new smart meters fitted and the gas meter had issues going through the checks as fitter waited ages and had to call someone to do it manually, once this was complete the monitor wasn’t connecting and he said that it sometimes takes a while and left. The monitor didn’t show anything until around 5pm Im stressed that so far from only dinner time today the in house display shows I’ve used over £700 and it’s increasing by huge amounts half hourly!

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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    take some readings from the meter itself rather than the smart display. You do this by pressing 9 on the keypad and look for the figures that say volume or cu mt.

    Then you will be able to reassure yourself that you're not using huge amounts of gas. To get from your readings you have to multiply the consumption in cu mt by 10.55 and then by the price 4.8 p per kWh, so say 50p per cu mt.

    If your smart display doesn't settle down get on the the installers and get them to fix it.