Online V10 offer

  • jack's Avatar
    Level 1

    I can get the fixed cap at 96 per month, which seems a good deal, but am put off by the fact that when i select it, it changes to 104 per month until December 2022, then it will become 96 per month????
    tbh the EOn website is a bit of a mess.. I signed in to give meter readings and splashed on the screen was a12 month fixed went to look at tariffs and of course it's not there ? it's hard enough trying to paddle through this mess without having a website that is confusing. Add to that a 2 year offer is advertised but as yet E.On doesn't yet show what the new cap prices will be from 1st April, sohow do you make an assessment..and the danger again is as soon as they do release their capprices the 2 year deal will most likely disappear too. It's ok them telling us, Oh just add 54% on, but if you do that some of the unit prices come out higher than the national cap figures which HAVE been published. It's just a mess,no one seem to be doing much to help consumers, there's no competition anymore in the 'free market' as no one is going to offer fixed deals especially with what's going on in Ukraine and ministers saying bills will go up to £3000 a year ! Millions are on low incomes,inflation is roaring away to 7.5% while pay / pension increases are 1/3rd of that...don't tell me the Govt can't do anything as France have told their state owned energy they can only raise prices by 5% and carry the loss from prior years funds..and maybe stop paying mega salaries to eneergy owners.? Rant over...
  • UKDave51's Avatar
    Level 3
    I see it is now a V11 tariff and the prices are identical to what the next flex will on April 1st, I`m really undecided whether to take the plunge now and pay the higher rate for an extra month or wait it out when either the tariff will disappear or will be replaced by a more expensive one.
  • tinajane's Avatar
    Level 1
    still undecided. i nearly did it, but then i will pay an extra 30 quid for March if i do it.
    just want to know why £96. is £104. for the first eight months.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    the V11 has now been replaced by the V!2 which is circa 15% more expensive.

    If there are arrears on the account when you switch those are recovered by a higher DD for some months until the arrears are cleared.

    Setting of the DD is not precise and always likely to be an under or over assessment, leading to arrears or credit on the account. While your unit prices are fixed your consumption varies.

    I can measure my gas consumption by a rolling 12 month average, by consumption over a calendar year or by long term average. The consumption varies between 13,200 kWh to 18,000 kWh depending on which measure and time period i use. The likelihood of my estimate of consumption leading to the DD being correct is zero.