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  • Mew888's Avatar
    Level 1
    I have a problem in that I'm a returning customer to E on and was put onto e on next. My supply is registered on nation database as economy 7.
    when I first moved in 18 months ago, I opted to use the old supplier (e on), I removed all the economy 7 heating and wired my economy 7 consumer unit into day rate side of supply. I notified e on of what I had done asking at the same time for my tariff to be changed to standard rate, which was done, the combined meter readings R1 and R2 was used to determine my usage for billing.
    I later changed supplier for a short time ( 4 months ) I realised I was being charged as an economy 7 customer, it was here that I was told my meter was registered as economy. The company was unable to alter the database and advised me that it was my previous supply who should of done this, (reason for returning to E on ).
    When I swapped back, I was told I had to swap to E on next with the only tariff offered being V10, on economy 7. I made enquiries as to having my tariff changed to standard rate tariff and was told I had to have my meter changed at a cost to me. I felt this should be the responsibility of e on next, however after deliberation, I paid my fee and booked an appointment, my payment was credited to my account, a week before the meter was due to be changed, I get an email to say e on next has made a mistake and they can't fit the meter with no other explaination other than to say they would be in touch. I have tried to telephone to no avail, I have in the past e-mailed, with on response so I'm trying this route.
    I'm being charged 35 pence a unit whilst this looms, I think it very poor of e on next, it seems to me it is not in there interest to get this sorted.
    I'm not happy with how difficult it is to contact e on next over such an important issue.
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    Beki's Avatar
    Best Answer
    @Mew888 Hi there, Beki here 👋

    We can put you on a flat rate tariff, even if you are an economy 7 customer and we wouldn't need to change the meter.
    I must admit, I'm a little confused about the wiring side of it as we still have usage running through your R1 and R2.

    Would you like me to process a refund for the cost of removing the meter, and also update you onto a flat rate tariff?