@jaw Hey there, Beki here, the Community Manager and I'm so happy you have reached out to us on the Community.
The issue with your smart meter may be something very simple, like the billing/reading schedule needs to be set up our end. Or it could be something that we need to look into with our smart metering team. Either way, I think you need to pop us a message on Facebook (@eonnext) or Twitter (@eon_next) or if you prefer giving us a ring, know that our lines are open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday. For home related calls it's 0808 501 5200 or for business related calls it's 0808 501 5699.
In regards to your online account, if you go to the home page, you should be able to see the option of 'view bills and payments'.
Once you've found that section, it gives you the option of 'transactions' or 'bills'. If you click on 'bills' it will give you a list of your previous bills that you can click and download.
Please let me know how you get on. 😊