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  • Rightenough's Avatar
    Level 1
    The issue that I have experienced is:
    Since the change to EonNext I don't receive paper bills and have never opted out. However, I was able to see that a new bill appeared in my online account on 5th December.

    I've now had four phone calls from Eonnext chasing payment for this bill. One on Tuesday 7th December two days after this bill was produced and again on Wednesday the 8th, 3 days after this bill was produced. This was followed by an email on 11/12/2021 threatening to add £20 to the balance and start debt collection proceedings against us and then on 13/12/2021 another two phone calls. This was the only outstanding balance on my account! On the 14th I've received a letter informing me Eonnext are about to instruct debt collection proceedings and add a debt collection fee of £20. This amounts to harassment and is not appreciated in these difficult times.

    However, I settled the bill in full.
    I followed EonNext's complaint procedure by emailing and and have yet to receive a reply. Frustrated I followed the link on the complaints page to submit my complaint to This resulted in a reply from Resolver to say that as I was an EonNext customer they could not access my account or deal with my complaint. Why do EonNext include a link to a resolution service they don't subscribe to?

    Today 06/01/2022 I logged into my account to find a new outstanding balance had appeared under transactions dated 02/01/2022 and yet when I clicked 'Bills' nothing appeared there to support this negative balance. It took a phone call to EonNext (which keeps you on hold for an eternity with annoying music) for the matching bill to magically appear in my account dated 06/01/2022.

    Still no reply from EonNext regaridng my original complaint about their aggressive collection tactics and I'm expecting phone calls when this new bill is a few days old.

    When the enegy crisis is over I will certainly be changing supplier.
  • 1 Reply

  • Beki's Avatar
    Hi @rightenough, Beki here 👋

    I'm so sorry, it sounds like we have got your payments and your account a little out of sync. This can happen from time to time and depending on which tariff you are on, direct debit or receipt of bill, the time between bill and payment varies. For receipt of bill accounts for example payment is required within 7 days, whereas direct debit payments are taken the same time every month. (A perk of having a DD is that you will also see a reduction in your standing charges 🙌)

    I understand your frustrations and have had a look at your account via your Community email address and I can't see any emails on our system - I apologise that these haven't come through to us. I have forwarded this to the IT guys to check for me. In the meantime, I have asked one of our awesome Energy Specialists to get in touch with you about your account queries and hopefully the will get everything in order, as well as offer some things that might help you/your account.

    Please reach out and let me know how you get on. 😊