Hello Community!

  • Hatwildeman_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Owner
    Hi there, lovely to meet you!

    I'm Hattie/Hats/Hat/H which ever you like, as long as it's not my Sunday name!

    If this is your first visit to the E.ON Next Community - then a very warm welcome, it's lovely to see you!

    I'd really love to get to know you all so we've created this space where everyone can say hi and share a bit about themselves.

    This community is for you to offer help and advice to each other, but it's also a social community, and with things as they are in the world right now, we could all do with a bit of virtual socialising!

    I'll go first with a bit about me - I'm Hattie, and I've got the lucky job of being the community owner and manager. I'm a crazy sausage dog lady, into anything arty, have an unhealthy addiction to shoes and love anything funny!

    Now your turn - (here's some things to get you started!)

    • Why did you decide to join the community?
    • How are you finding it?
    • What fills your spare time?
    • What's a really funny fact about yourself?

    Finish your intro with a random question for the next member to answer.

    So that's all for now, and please say hi below!

    Last edited by Beki; 09-04-22 at 17:32. Reason: Title change and formatting
  • 200 Replies

  • Best Answer

    DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Best Answer
    @Hatwildeman Hi, now tell me this - why should I be charged more for not paying by direct debit? I have zero balance on my account and use the app to pay the exact bill but by not paying by direct debit I get penalised. There is no requirement for any staff interaction to process an automated payment so why different charges?

    Hey @Worried,

    I'm Deb one of the Community Co-ordinators it's lovely to meet you!

    That really is a good question. The reason that we give a discount for direct debit customers is because it is all automated, this means there is less cost involved for us and we can then pass this saving on to the customer. There are some admin costs involved in manual transactions such as card payments etc.

    We would encourage customers to pay by direct debt as it is usually the most convenient method and offers a small saving for our customers. This doesn't mean that you have to pay a fixed amount each month some of our tariffs allow for a variable direct debit meaning you can pay for what you use each month and still benefit from the direct debit discount. This isn't mandatory though if customers want to pay manually on receipt of bill then of course that option is still there.

    I hope this helps 😊
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

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  • sales's Avatar
    How do I say bye? I didnt sign up to eon, I have received nothing telling me that I can get out of my current contract as that was with npower not with eon?
  • Hatwildeman_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Owner
    Hi there, so all npower customers are moving over to E.ON Next. A while ago you should've received a note with changes to your T's&c's from npower, and then a couple of follow up emails from us to say that we're starting to move you over and then when you're account is live. You can of course move on if we don't seem like a good fit, but obviously we'd hate to see you go. If you do decide to leave though - then don't worry - there won't be any exit fees, just get in touch with a new supplier. Hat
  • Fatlad's Avatar
    Level 1
    Must admit, I didn't take much notice of the change over, but what a step backwards when it comes to the NPower app and tracker.
    Yours is basically, "here's your bill thanks."
    Unless I am missing something, there are not comparisons to previous years ( could have been carried over from npower?) no predictions, no comparisons to other similar customers in the area.
    Also for some reason, my smart meter readings stopped on 3rd Dec and your system is telling me to send in a reading. Whats that about?
    Last edited by Fatlad; 25-01-21 at 09:39. Reason: spelling
  • IanH's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi, I am also an ex-npower customer.

    How long are we supposed to wait for our smart meters to start working properly?
    Currently no data is being shown.
    No readings are being sent through to you, your excuse is that 'when you connect to them' - please provide a timescale for this connection?

    You have decided to change your billing to monthly, I don't need this much information, but, I am unable to change the frequency?

    You tell me that my meter hasn't been read for 52 days, but, you also show a meter reading for change of supply, 22 days ago for Electricity.
    Why do your notifications contradict themselves?

    No notification of change of supply for Gas, why not?

    This is a pretty poor user experience.
  • DaveyDerby's Avatar
    Is there an "Adult" mode on the website somewhere. I didn't know that once I went from npower to Eon, I regressed to a 5 yr old.

    Where is actual information like we used to have. This is meant to be a green energy company, but you have taken away any way we used to have to actually see if our energy usage is going down.
    I also want to see what you are expecting us to spend and therefore basing our repayments on. Can we have the old website back, just put one of the silly suns in the corner or something.
  • Hatwildeman_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Owner
    Hi DaveyDerby, thanks for your thoughts. Our characters won't be everyone's cup of tea, we get that, but they are here to stay. Hopefully you'll become a little more fond of them over time.

    In terms of the comparison information etc, it's in development now. We're starting E.ON Next from scratch using different tech, systems and ways of working, so constantly building and improving. So if you can just bear with a little longer, we should have something on the website soon. I'll keep you guys on here posted.

  • Hatwildeman_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Owner
    Hi @ianH. Thanks for the post. Sorry to hear you're one of the customers who've been impacted by the Smart meter issue. It's quite common when there is a change of supply, which is why we started to include it on the welcome comms so it didn't come too much of a surprise.
    I've just replied to another post below - the comparison info is currently being built and we're hoping to release on the website soon.
    There's quite a bit of info on why we do monthly billing on the 'Why we bill monthly' widget.
    The issue with your last meter reading date on the your online account - there was a bug that we've worked on. If it's still the case now, let me know and i'll report it to tech guys.
  • DaveyDerby's Avatar
    Thanks for your response Hatty, it might have been an idea to stick with the old tech until the new tech was fully ready. As for a first impression of a new provider to a customer to be feeling as if its a backwards step is not exactly a good first impression.