Will I be forced to have a smart meter?

  • KAA's Avatar
    Level 1
    I am currently with a different supplier but looking to switch my duel fuel product. I spoke with an E-on advisor today about the product I was looking at (E-On Next Fixed 15mv1) and he assured me that I will be under no pressure to have a smart meter installed if I took out this product. I then went online to complete the switch but stopped as before the final Proceed button, it said I had to agree to 'have a smart meter installed'.

    I am utterly confused now as this contradicts what the advisor said on the phone.

    Will I be forced to have a smart meter fitted? I really don't want one and am happy to read my own meter and send readings to E-On monthly as I have been doing with my current supplier.
  • 2 Replies

  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 90
    @KAA This is the advice from the Citizen Advice.

    You don’t have to accept a smart meter if you don’t want one. If your supplier tells you that you must have one installed, contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline.

    If you refuse a smart meter, you might find it hard to access all tariffs. This is because in future the cheaper tariffs offered by suppliers might only be available to customers with smart meters.

    If your supplier tells you your meter has expired and needs replacing with a smart meter, it’s worth checking before you agree.

    Installing smart meters is a governmental decision.
    Last edited by WizzyWigg; 2 Hours Ago at 11:55.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    while many tariff’s terms require smart meters to be fitted, in practice there are so many ways to dodge or ignore requests to arrange an appointment, and so many households still to be fitted that in practice you will not have to have them. I was on tariffs that officially required a smart meter but didn’t get them. I now have them and they do have some utility for me but saving money hasn’t happened.

    there is nothing to fear from their installation!
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.