Planned maintenance 12/01/2025

  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hello Community 👋

    There is planned maintenance on Sunday 12th January from 07:00 - 09:00

    During this Maintenance, SPAYG top ups will not be able to be made.

    Our Friendly hours will be active - so you will not go off supply. Anything you use in this time will clock on your meter as a minus balance. If you exceed past the £5 emergency credit limit you will need to to pay this back in full before 10am the next working day to stay on supply. If you have been disconnected you will need to pay the full balance back before your supply will reconnect.
    Last edited by Connor_EONNext; 23 Hours Ago at 16:10.
    🌳Together we can work to achieve a more sustainable Future 🌳
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