Christmas Traditions

  • Indyk_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
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ID:	4112

    With the Festive season upon us πŸŽ„ I would love to hear about all the different traditions everyone has over the Christmas period.

    Christmas is really a beautiful time of the year. It's full of twinkling lights, warm gatherings, reflection, celebration and some hustle and bustle definitely for us mums, as were busy with the shopping, present wrapping, card writing and baking. One of my favourite things to bake are Homemade Cinnamon rolls and Chocolate chip cookies. πŸͺ

    We also believe it's the time of giving, to which we contribute towards toys which help provide to families that are less fortunate with children over Christmas. The toy bank appeal ensures children have a gift to open on Christmas day, which is run by our local Sikh community called Guru Nanak's Mission.

    Our Christmas Eve starts off with a trip to our local Church The Good Shepherd as they hold a Christmas fair which hosts a variety of Christmas food and craft stalls. A visit from Mr Clause and his reindeer's which the Children love seeing. Finished with carol singing and indulging in a warm mince pie and glass of mulled wine. Once we're home a family gathering for food canapes and drinks, finished with a board game and a watch of the all time classic Home Alone.

    Christmas morning starts off with the children waking up early to their presents followed by a family Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. It really is such a magical time of the year! πŸ’«

    I would love to hear how everyone else spends their Christmas...... πŸ’œ
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  • 18 Replies

  • Poppy_EONNext's Avatar
    Level 29
    This is lovely @Indyk_EONNext πŸ€—

    Homemade cinnamon rolls 😯 yes please!

    I always try and do my bit, donating to the food bank, and any local toy collections. We do a clear out a few weeks before Christmas for any toys, clothes etc which can be donated πŸ™‚

    Our Christmas eve is full of excitement, music, drinks and plenty of food! Usually a little buffet.
    Christmas morning, my daughter usually wakes up every hour from about 4am and asks if it's time to get up yet 🀣😴 When we do eventually get up at a reasonable time, we go downstairs to check if Santa πŸŽ… has been, she patiently waits on the stairs, and then the grand reveal! The look on her face is always priceless 😍

    I have hosted Christmas for the last few years so i'll get started on the food prep, and always make sure everyone's glass is always topped up πŸ₯‚ it's just a lovely day we all have a great laugh! πŸŽ„

    I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas ❀
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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    My party trick is to heat some brandy (10 ml is plenty - those cough mixture spoon come in handy) in the microwaavvy thingy till you can smell it then pour over the hot Christmas pudding - a small crater having been excavated in the top first.

    Turn out light - strike match and a short lived (5-10 seconds) blue flame will result. The grandkids seem to be less enthralled though the older they get. Not all the brandy burns though so the slices contain a bit of Christmas spirit.
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  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    I don't really do Christmas as I'm a bit of a grinch. But you will find me in the supermarket after the festering season buying up a few Christmas puddings at heavily discounted prices.

    Slice them into quarter inch thick slices, and then fry them in a hot pan in butter. For the last thirty seconds, add a generous slug of single malt. Serve up the slices and pour over the whisky and butter 'jus'. Deee-lish! πŸ˜‹
    Last edited by retrotecchie; 17-12-24 at 14:22.
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  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    Level 58

    I go to my brothers now for Christmas. I bake mince pies and sausage rolls the day before I go, and take them with me plus all the family presents. We go to my nephews for Christmas Day lunch and tea, and I get kept busy by my two great-nephews. They come to my brothers on Boxing Day for lunch and tea, and we save a present for each of us to open on Boxing Day. I'm chief dish-washer too πŸ˜‚

    I make monthly Direct Debit donations to a few charities, but give them an extra one-off donation at Christmas.πŸŽ„
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    Level 58

    That Christmas pud sounds lovely. Are you using the same 'giant' Christmas tree you had last year, the one you posted us a photo of on here? πŸŽ„
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    I'm always up for a bargain in the post Christmas sales. Puddings keep well for year or more.

    My Mum used to cook her own puddings in an ancient pressure cooker - it stood about 2feet tall and looked like an overlarge grenade. The lid was clamped down with a wheeled screw device and it had a pressure gauge sticking out the top. Two pudding could be cooked at once - although the process took some hours.

    Puddings once cooked were put away for years. Nothing like the amount of fruit that is in them nowadays - these were much more solid and easily sliced.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    My grandmother used to make sliceable gravy every Christmas. Well into the start of the January school term, I'd find a chunk or two in my sandwiches.

    Is it just me or do they not make old people like they used to? 🀣🀣🀣
  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @retrotecchie Im going to have to google this 🀣

    In terms of tradition, we don't really have any either - We used to go to the pub xmas day morning, more so to stay out of my Mother's way 🀣 and we we're banned from going out xmas eve because once me and my older brother ruined it because we didn't come home until 6am one year.

    Times have defo changed @retrotecchie 🀣
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