Solar Panels

  • Poppy_EONNext's Avatar
    Level 29


    What are Solar Panels?
    Solar photovoltaic panels, or solar PV, are the world's leading renewable technology. They're used to power homes, businesses, and even cities. They use the natural power of the sun to generate the electricity that modern life demands in an eco-friendly and cost-effective way. They are made from semiconductor material such as silicon, installed in a metal frame with a glass casing.

    How do they work?

    • Light from the sun is made up of tiny particles called Photons 🌞
    • Photons hit the solar panel, knocking electrons free of the silicon atoms within the solar cells.
    • These loose electrons are now free to move, creating an electric current from the positive and negative charge now present. They pass through the layers of the solar cell.
    • The electric current flows to the edge of the panel into a conductive wire which leads to the inverter.
    • The inverter converts the direct current to alternating current, which is what is used to provide power. If there is excess electricity, this can be fed back to the grid if connected.
    • The electricity then transfers to the building. It can be used immediately or stored in batteries 🔋

    Check out this link for more information How do solar panels work?

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    Does the weather affect the solar panels?

    Solar panels absorb energy from the sunlight, which means your panels will also work on a cloudy day ⛅

    However, the orientation of the panels matter.
    South facing panels will generate the best electricity in the UK, because they receive the sun's most powerful rays for the longest amount of time.

    In the winter they can produce less energy due to the shorter days.

    What are the benefits?
    • It’s green: There are no pollutants produced while solar panels operate, you are using clean energy to power your home or business, reducing your carbon footprint.
    • Save on cash: Any electricity you produce is totally free of charge and you can use it to power anything within your home or business. This will of course lower your energy bills and help save in the long term. You will also be able to get paid for any energy you export through our Smart Export Guarantee scheme.
    • Its renewable: Solar PV panels can generate electricity year-round.
    • Low maintenance: Solar panels don't have any moving parts. This means that maintenance requirements and the chance of mechanical failure is low. This said, they may need regular cleaning and the occasional inspection.
    • Increases Home value: Installing solar energy can boost your property's value 🏠

    Over 1.3 million home owners have converted their Energy supply to Solar Power. Check out our latest YouTube video Solar Panels in a nutshell 😎

    Start your Solar Journey with us here 🌞

    Moved into a property with an existing FIT account? check out this post on FIT - Transfer of Ownership
    Last edited by Poppy_EONNext; 29-11-24 at 11:52.
    The Warm Home Discount scheme for 2024/25 is now open! For more information check out this thread - Warm Home Discount 2024/25

    Need to get in touch? You can find out how here 👉 Contact us 👈
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