How long to switch to Drive v4

  • pmv039's Avatar
    Level 5
    Ten days ago I moved from EDF to EON Next and then to the Drive v4 tariff. Move happened on time and I sent the first meter readings from my smart meters. Two days later an email from The Next Team advising they couldn’t read my smart meters. I responded advising I had the Bright App (which has the same source data) and sent them the 30min downloads from Glowmartkt, together with another set of smart meter readings via the EON App. No further communications and my account summary says “SWITCH TO NEXT DRIVE IN PROGRESS”. Any ideas on how long this might take or methods to accelerate? Interestingly, yesterday I did get a marketing email saying “Your fixed tariff with us is all sorted” and offering me a £50 referral code, but I remain on the Next Flex tariff until the switch is sorted.
  • 15 Replies

  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 39
    Ten days ago I moved from EDF to EON Next and then to the Drive v4 tariff. Move happened on time and I sent the first meter readings from my smart meters. Two days later an email from The Next Team advising they couldn’t read my smart meters. I responded advising I had the Bright App (which has the same source data) and sent them the 30min downloads from Glowmartkt, together with another set of smart meter readings via the EON App. No further communications and my account summary says “SWITCH TO NEXT DRIVE IN PROGRESS”. Any ideas on how long this might take or methods to accelerate? Interestingly, yesterday I did get a marketing email saying “Your fixed tariff with us is all sorted” and offering me a £50 referral code, but I remain on the Next Flex tariff until the switch is sorted.
    Sorry to hear this, and sorry I can't be more helpful, but it sounds like you're not alone with this problem ☹️ (only took me a day or so last year)

    Someone needs to shake EOn's cage, as there are (at least) 2 others recently posting with exactly the same issue
    Last edited by geoffers; 15-11-24 at 22:47.
  • pmv039's Avatar
    Level 5
    @pmv039 thanks @geoffers. I have today raised a complaint about the dealy and also raised a complaint about my submitted smart meter readings not being accurately recorded. The latter investigation also identified that EON took a smart meter reading on Day 4. Not holding my breath for a quick response, but it does establish a record, if the ultimate destination is the Energy Ombudsman.
  • pmv039's Avatar
    Level 5
    Update following my complaint. Complaint team ( have provided an initial response. I now have a complaint number. I am informed:

    • “I can see the EV team have left a note advising they are waiting for the meter details to up date and readings being received. I will reach out to them to confirm a time frame on this” and
    • “I have just pulled a reading for your electric which has come through. However I have not been able to pull your gas reading as this is showing as a normal credit meter and not smart.”

    In summary no further forward but the issue is my smart meter(s).

    My response was to send them a Bright App screenshot of my gas meter 30 minute readings, suggesting the problem was EON’s IT not my smart meter.

    Within 20mins (faster than the Glastonbury ticket queue) I had a further email from “Unhappy” asking for a picture of my gas meter and that they would “reach out to the smart team” (I am presuming this means their smart meter team, not a reference their intelligence).

    I responded with the requested information.

    Within 40mins the “Unhappy” team had responded to advise it “seems as though your has <sic> meter has been exchanged and we currently have the old meter on our system. Are you able to confirm the date this was exchanged”

    I responded with the date, which was about three months ago. I await a response.
    Last edited by pmv039; 17-11-24 at 10:59.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 39
    @pmv039 AFAIK the commissioning process involves the installation engineer registering the meters' MPAN/MPRN codes with the DCC, which had clearly been done since when you enter those codes into Bright you're able to see the readings from your meters

    In the same way EOn, must have to Enter those codes onto their system so that they can see your meters. (via the DCC)

    So clearly there has been a failure on their part to enter the gas meter, since they admit they can see your electricity meter but not the gas
    Last edited by geoffers; 17-11-24 at 12:39.
  • pmv039's Avatar
    Level 5
    @geoffers I concur with your assessment, just confirming the EON back-of-house is a shambles. They probably knew there was a problem on or before Day 4 and had I been contacted the matter could have been solved in minutes. They have updated my gas smart meter on the website and I have submitted todays manual reading. All is now back with EON. My hope is to provide a “Lessons Learned” after matters are resolved, but my interim findings are raise a complaint (via after two days of being switched to the Flex tariff and not being switched to the Drive tariff and do all the complaining via email so you have a record.
  • pmv039's Avatar
    Level 5
    Update – it is now Day 30 since I switched from EDF to EON and only very limited progress. EON can now read my Gas smart meter (though I could read it via the Bright app since Day 1 and provided them with 30min readings via Glowmarkt), but I have yet to be switched to the EV tariff. I am advised my complaint will be reviewed once the switch is made. I am in regular email contact with the Energy Specialist in the “unhappy” team, but they appear to have been let down by the smart meter and EV teams. My current advice to anyone thinking about moving to the EON Next Drive tariff is be prepared for a long process, with little active communications, leading you to wonder if another provider would have been a better choice.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 39
    @pmv039 - maybe you ought to try switching to Drive V5 now, which is their current offering 🤓
  • pmv039's Avatar
    Level 5
    @geoffers - you optimist. Given current performance maybe I should investigate pre-registering for Drive V15, which might be the current offer by the time they switch me.
  • pmv039's Avatar
    Level 5
    Update - I was switched to Drive v4 on Day 34. I have now requested my registered complaint is now investigated and added to it to investigate why it took so long to agree my initial reading with EDF, to allow EDF to issue their final bill. When I get a response to the complaint, I might be able to provide some "leasons learned".