I've just had my bill through and my electric bill in a month has gone up to £2000. The last meter readings I have submitted were 1514, 1518, 1524. There is no way in a month we (2 people in 1 bed flat with gas cooking and heating) have used £2000 worth of energy - in fact, impossible that we have.
Is this just a glitch with eon or the system? Worried that they could adjust the bill to the outstanding amount for next month which would be ridiculous.
Yup, this definitely doesn't sound right to me. I'd recommend disputing this bill on the basis that it's invalid. I don't use much energy myself and my energy supplier (not E.On) only charges me around £25 a month on average. If you dispute the bill, that should allow this to be sorted. If you don't get anywhere, I'd recommend initiating the complaints process to force a resolution.
If you still don't get anywhere after eight weeks of raising the complaint, please request a Deadlock Letter so that you can head to the Office of the Energy Ombudsman.
Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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@jc26 Hey there! If you would like to contact us on Facebook/Twitter via private message with your account details, one of the Digi team can look into this for you.
Disgusting isn’t it, had similar issue with final bill for a small 1 bed flat I left 3 months ago. They gave me fonal bill, closed my account (I have confirmation in writing) now they say I owe £4k!!
Disgusting isn’t it, had similar issue with final bill for a small 1 bed flat I left 3 months ago. They gave me fonal bill, closed my account (I have confirmation in writing) now they say I owe £4k!!
Hey Mina
That does sound very high - with final bills it can sometimes be that the final read is wrong and causes a high bill. Have you been in touch with us to ask about this? If you haven't and you'd like to get in touch the quickest way is on Facebook/Twitter via private message with your account details, where one of the Digi team can look after you.
Let me know how you get on
Hannah - Digi ops manager & here to spread positive energy
I've got crazy bill, too. When I was in Igloo, my bill was usually £20 - £30 per month;
The first bill I had here was for Oct2021 - Dec2021 which was £80, which is similar to what I had before, but... Then I receive a £460 bill in January, which charge the Nov2021 & Dec2021 again, and with a definitely wrong meter reading (starting meter is 4 digit, but it has a meter reading only has 3 digit)
I called the staff, he confirmed me that the meter reading was wrong and ask me to neglect the bill and said he would help issue a correct bill, but there are nothing updated even I keep sending email, there’s no reply at all. And I just receive another bill over £100 for Jan – Feb 2022, which the same set of meter readings has been repeated 3 times (which cost £31.42) and make it over £100 including VAT, that doesn't make sense at all. I’ve checked through the readings on the smart meter, which I find that even though the first meter reading on the bill was wrong. I don’t understand why I have a smart meter, but Eon can’t connect it and get the correct calculations. And what’s even worst, the standing charge and the unit rate on the smart meter are more expensive than the rate on the bill, but the bill is far more expensive than the meter shows. HELP!
Just had the same thing happen for the second time, We are an Electricity only Customer, October £93.89 November £103 December £154 Then January £654 ? We Have Gas Heating and Solar PV so not sure how could have used 3112KWh when it's normally 400-500 in the winter months ?
Are all your statements based on accurate meter readings or have there been any estimates? Does the reading on the latest bill look sensible compared to what is showing on the meter right now?
I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
Hi JoeSoap thanks for your response, to answer your question all of the meter readings were taken automatically over the modem remotely so no estimates. The overall total on the physical meter does reflect the mystery 3112 KWh reading. When I raised this before I was told that the reading was clearly wrong and they quarantined the reading and refunded the money and that the metering team would follow up and possibly change the meter. However this never happened and the charge has automatically been put back on our account so we should be £118 in credit instead we are 978.40 in debit! Using the in-house display you can toggle through the readings for the whole year and they are fine up until the one that's wrong. We haven't installed an outdoor Olympic size heated swimming pool either :). We have 3.5KW PV on a south facing roof so even though we both work from home full time we don't use a lot of power during the day and any spare is scavenged automatically to heat our Hot water cylinder using a Solar Iboost.
Hi JoeSoap thanks for your response, to answer your question all of the meter readings were taken automatically over the modem remotely so no estimates. The overall total on the physical meter does reflect the mystery 3112 KWh reading. When I raised this before I was told that the reading was clearly wrong and they quarantined the reading and refunded the money and that the metering team would follow up and possibly change the meter. However this never happened and the charge has automatically been put back on our account so we should be £118 in credit instead we are 978.40 in debit! Using the in-house display you can toggle through the readings for the whole year and they are fine up until the one that's wrong. We haven't installed an outdoor Olympic size heated swimming pool either :). We have 3.5KW PV on a south facing roof so even though we both work from home full time we don't use a lot of power during the day and any spare is scavenged automatically to heat our Hot water cylinder using a Solar Iboost.
Probably best to get back in touch with customer service and get them to refer back to the previous conversation.
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