1. Turn your room thermostat down by 1 degree C, and your thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) even lower in rooms you are not using regularly
2. Only boil enough water in the kettle or pans when cooking to cover what you need
3. Fit draught excluder to front and back doors and windows
4. Use a slow cooker or microwave rather than a larger oven
5. Wash your laundry at slightly lower temperatures. and do one full load rather than two half loads, and keep tumble dryer use to the minimum if possible
6. Have your boiler serviced once a year to make sure it's running efficiently
7. Close all curtains and blinds at night
8. Make sure you have good loft insulation, there are various help schemes available, (try contacting your local council or maybe Citizens Advice to see what help there is in your area)
9. Clean any dust which may have gathered down the backs of radiators (while they're off) with the narrow vacuum cleaner hose attachment. You can buy manual radiator brushes from the likes of Amazon, but I don't know if they work
10. Let the winter sun into your rooms, (if we get any😂), by opening curtains and blinds fully, to add a little bit of warmth
Last edited by EmmaN_EONNext; 02-01-24 at 12:24.