Hi Beki - thanks for your comments 👍 ... I hope I'm not going to drive you to distraction with this 😂
I've not yet had a bill for the NextDrive as I only transferred on the 27 July, however I'm gathering some data out of interest so I can see how things stack up with the billing.
One thing that may be an issue (or may not be, depending on how the data is processed at your end) is the midnight roll over time when the lower EV charging rate kicks in.
Looking at the data for Sunday July 30 for instance...
From my charger display, the charging commenced at 5 minutes past midnight, which you can see in the left hand bar showing 1.766kwh from 00.00~01:99

And the display from the Bright app, which picks up the data from the DCC shows much the same, with the left hand bar and the text field below showing 1.83kwh at 00:00 on the 30/07 (the amount is obviously bigger, since it includes other household appliances)
However - I have downloaded the Excel(CSV) file from the Bright website, and there is the potential for misinterpretation of the start/end of the timing
The data on the left from my charger shows the amount used starting from midnight to 1am =1.766; 1 to 2 =1.905 and so on
However the Bright data shows the first hour's value of 1.825 as the period commencing 11pm on the 29/7 and ending at midnight; then the next 1.967 between midnight and 1am etc
So if that is how the bills are calculated, there is the potential for the first hour's charging being billed at the higher daytime rate 😧
Their raw data is actually in 1/2hourly chunks as per this which shows the 0.84+0.985=1.825 as the 2 * 1/2 hour periods before midnight on the 29th
29/07/2023,11:00:00 PM,0.84
29/07/2023,11:30:00 PM,0.985
30/07/2023,12:00:00 AM,0.985
30/07/2023,12:30:00 AM,0.982