Eon Next are demanding £182.03 that I don't owe.

  • bullough's Avatar
    Level 1
    I complained to The Ombudsman about false accounting on my Eon Next statements. My complaint was UPHELD. The Ombudsman require Eon Next to provide a correct statement and provide me with £75 compensation.

    Eon Next have not complied with The Ombudsman decision. They have instead demanded that I pay the sum of £182.03 today or face a £10 penalty.

    I have no gas meter so I'm also eligible for £200 Alternative Fuel Payment. In all, Eon Next owe me over £300. Rather than freeze the account until they provide accurate statements, they choose to harass me to pay money that I don't owe due to the fact that provided statements are incorrect.

    I have messaged The Ombudsman and written to my MP (again).

    I will of course pay any money I legally owe, but Eon Next will need to provide accurate statements if they want any money out of me.

    No doubt the next move is application for a warrant, but, I will resist that and will of course involve the Police in any such action.
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    DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Best Answer
    Hiya @bullough,

    Thanks for taking the time to post. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a poor experience 🙁 I had a quick look at your account and I can see that we received the decision from the Ombudsman this week and we are working through this to get the fixes implemented for you as soon as possible. Once these have been implemented you will receive your revised bill.

    As for the AFP you can find out more about this and how it will be paid HERE

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