EPG Oct 2022 16% increase, NOT 6% for average users.

  • tonybolony745's Avatar
    Level 5
    Hi, first time posting to this site. Been doing some calcs. So that homeowners are aware, as it currently stands, if we don't receive an additional £400 winter 23-24, then the average user (£2000p/a) will see an average of 16% increase (£640) over two years. Only if we receive the second £400 grant will it be 6%. Nothing has been promised for 23-24 and I suspect it won't. Also, if you're a high electricity user like me, living in a detached property, my wife and I each earning a little over the average earnings, then our bills will increase from £2620p/a March 22, and we will see an average of 24% increase (£1260) over two years. If we receive the second £400 grant, then it will be 16%. This is the spin that all governments put on announcements, the devil is in the detail. Do the calcs yourself and if you can't, I'm happy to share a document when I have time to compile it electronically.
  • 12 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    I’ve no idea where all these percentages come from. Isn’t it just as simple as the price cap rises on 1 Oct and stays there for two years and we’re getting some financial help this year; ie £400 for everyone and a bit extra for some?
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    forget the £400 - it doesn’t affect prices in any way. I’ve posted before that prices this winter will be approximately double this of last winter. And while your electricity prices have gone up a lot, gas prices have faster still.

    I’ve commented that individuals are affected by their own fuel mix and levels of consumption ( because of the standing charge) and none of us is the OFGEM average user.
    Last edited by meldrewreborn; 20-09-22 at 08:26.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • tonybolony745's Avatar
    Level 5
    @JoeSoap Unfortunately not. Many people may not have the nous or time to get into the details, which is what the gas and oil industry, and government want. I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist. I just wish all stakeholders would be upfront with the hard-working public. The new rates are out, just gone over them, and I can see a couple of glaring issues already. Ill post again.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    I don’t know what the significance of the 6% is. Perhaps the thrust of your opening post is about political spin. All governments do that. I’ve just read the government announcement of 8 Sep which was updated on 9 Sep and it looks fairly clear to me.

    There was a new price cap announced and now we have an EPG. We’re getting to know the new tariff rates and what extra assistance we’re going to get. It will still be the case that the more we use, the more we pay… the less we use, the less we pay.

    I’m not sure what details you think we need to get in to.
  • tonybolony745's Avatar
    Level 5
    @tonybolony745 Eonnext have just published their rates, which fall in line with the ones posted by Martin Lewis MSE site. A few things to watch out for. I received an email this morning stating that due to my usage decreasing, my DD's would reduce from £218p/m to £208p/m. However, when I just happened to login to Eonnext, my dashboard is telling me my DD's are increasing to £272p/m! I am £350 in credit; I look forward to their response. I have written to them asking them to explain their calculation, and I gave them mine, which are correct at £225p/m. I have informed them that unless I hear from them by the end of the month, I will be cancelling my DD through my bank, and they can chase me for the money monthly, albeit at a slightly higher rate. If you are in a similar position, I suggest you do the same. You are able to reduce your DD's by 10% online, which may be sufficient for some. but not me. Unfortunately, I will be switching to paper bills from now on. Another thing, Eonnext appear to have done is increased rates around the 5th September without notifying me, and I suspect, others. If anyone could corroborate this, I'd appreciate it. I will be informing the ombudsman and making a complaint to Eonnext if unresolved. I haven't got anything against Eonnext, it's the whole industry, and the government (all governments) who I take issue with.
    Last edited by tonybolony745; 21-09-22 at 06:30.
  • tonybolony745's Avatar
    Level 5
    @JoeSoap I can see your point, but it's not spin from me. Just want householders to be fully aware of what's coming. As long as they are, fine. Many aren't, based on my conversations with many people. I won't get into a political with you or anyone else here. If people want my view, carry on reading. If they don't, comment, and leave it there. As hopefully you will. Regards.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    I guess on one hand you’re getting a decrease in DD due to your lower usage and an increase due to the coming energy price hike. Two algorithms or automated responses probably.

    Of course you are within your right to question your DD and with reasonable discussion I’m sure you will reach agreement.

    You are suggesting people follow your lead and cancel DD payments yet you know this will end up costing you, and them, more in the long run.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    @JoeSoap I can see your point, but it's not spin from me. Just want householders to be fully aware of what's coming. As long as they are, fine. Many aren't, based on my conversations with many people. I won't get into a political with you or anyone else here. If people want my view, carry on reading. If they don't, comment, and leave it there. As hopefully you will. Regards.
    I didn’t accuse you of spin, just acknowledged that governments do it. I will continue to read your posts and comment where I feel a need to.

    You have good intentions and I have no intentions of getting political.

    Regards to you also.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Only fix rates offers can increase as variable rates are limited by the OFGEM price cap or the new EPG . Before the EPG was announced, customers were facing the prospect of prices going up at 3 month intervals, and fixed rates might have seemed attractive. Now the EPG have effectively put a fix on rates for 24 months and hunting for the best rate unnecessary. Those who did fix very recently might need to ditch this deals as the EPG on variable rates is cheaper.