So how do you identify the times that your Economy 7 reduced rate period operates? First, you look in your electricity statement, and at the top of page 2 is an image, like something that is shown above – this is the supply number particular to your address and your meter. While in this example, the first figure on the top line next to the big S is 00, if you are on economy 7 or economy 10 this should be 2 or 02 meaning “Economy meter of two or more rates”
The middle box of the top row shows your 3 digit Meter Time Switch Code (MTSC). Note this number – you’ll need it later.
The lower line of your supply number, spread over 3 boxes, is your Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) which total 13 digits and is unique to your address. The first two characters of your MPAN identify the electricity distributor code – there are 14 distributors in all.. The table below gives the base information of the reduced rate time periods.
Then we have to consider the issue of GMT/BST. So refer to the table below with your Meter Time Switch Code (you did note this down didn’t you?)
So you should be able to confirm the Economy 7 timings for your own meter. Note though that the timings relate to the time as recorded by your meter. This can vary from the correct time. You will need to check your meter for accuracy.
Last edited by Han_EONNext; 11-05-22 at 07:31.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.