Oxygen concentrator costs
Hi all, I have been on oxygen concentrator since 29th of December 2021. My oxygen supplier has assured me that all electric I use will be re embursed the first payment is in April. Has eonnext any policy in place to balance increase in electricity used, I use concentrator for 15 to 24 hrs daily
thanks -
5 Replies
Best Answer
Best Answer@Brianh We will be aware of the extra energy usage and I can also pop a note on your account too. 🤗
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Hi there @Brianh,
This is a new one on me and I've never heard of such discounts before. That doesn't mean they don't exist, just that I can't think of any. Let me get some help from a moderator on this one. In the meantime, I definitely recommend signing up for the Priority Services Register so that your equipment is known about. That way, if the power goes out you'll get prioritised for getting the lights back on.Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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@theunknowntech hi I am not looking for a discount, any cost of running a concentrator will be reimbursed by the NHS via my oxygen supplier. What I was asking was do eonnext take into account that our bills will be bigger, I am on the priority register our first payment is in April and will be paid in to our account then
Gotcha. In that case, you should be good. The system will automatically detect the extra energy usage and adapt accordingly. If you're getting reimbursed by a third-party for the energy usage, you can simply add that same amount to your monthly payments and it should balance out. That'll be the easiest solution I can think of.